Voor aankoop, verkoop, restauratie of stoffering van vintage stoelen en zetels moet u bij Vintage Design Van Daele zijn!


I’m Herman, 49 years old and have take over an existing business since 1999 that was specialised in classic upholstery and decoration but which gradually up to now fully is evolved into restoration and reupholstery of contempory furniture period 1930 to present Scandinavian, American, Brazilian, Italien, French, Belgian.

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Herstoffering van zetel PK31 in leder
Poul kjaerholm

About us

I can also make custom furniture. I have a well equipped workshop with sewing machines, all upholstery tools as well as a fully equipped woodworking workshop with planer,milling cutter, circle panel saw, band saw, mortiser and dowel machine and all the necessery hand tools for restoration and woodworking.

I am a trained woodworker-furniture maker and active in my father’s workshop since my childhood. He teached me the upholstery skills

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Our asset: we are quite driven and passionate to maximize the originality and perfection of every piece of furniture according the manufacturer’s guidelines with the same original materials.

Restauration Egg chair

In this state, the seat usually enters the workshop. The result is a newly upholstered chair according the standards of the manufacturer ( Fritz-Hansen Denmark ).

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Restauration Barcelona chair

Making new leather cushions, stitched and buttoned ( Knoll International)

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+32.93 86 73 39                                      Huisepontweg 52a
info@vandaeledesign.be                   9810 Nazareth

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